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Tag: Dynamics CRM 2015

CRM background color

Posted in Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and Revive

With Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 1 Microsoft introduced the possibility to create own themes. In this post I won’t show you default settings and screenshots of unicorn colored CRM systems, I will show you the hidden setting for the CRM background color.

When you query the properties of a theme you will discover a setting that isn’t visible on the theme record (the highlighted line).
Please spare yourself the trail to customize the theme formular, it is not possible.

   "name": "CRM Default Theme",
   "isdefaulttheme": false,
   "logotooltip": "Microsoft Dynamics 365",
   "_logoid_value": null,
   "navbarbackgroundcolor": "#000000",
   "navbarshelfcolor": "#DFE2E8",
   "headercolor": "#1160B7",
   "globallinkcolor": "#1160B7",
   "selectedlinkeffect": "#B1D6F0",
   "hoverlinkeffect": "#D7EBF9",
   "processcontrolcolor": "#D24726",
   "defaultentitycolor": "#001CA5",
   "defaultcustomentitycolor": "#006551",
   "controlborder": "#CCCCCC",
   "controlshade": "#F3F1F1",
   "backgroundcolor": "#FFFFFF",

So I had the idea to update the value directly through a web service call and it works.
After publishing the theme, I had a new CRM background color.

What you need to know is that Microsoft changes value back to the original CRM background color (#FFFFFF), every time you save the record through th UI.

The CRM background color bookmarklet

Since I’m a lazy guy who likes it when things are reusable, I’ve created the following bookmarklet.

Drag and drop the “CRM background color” button on your bookmark toolbar.

With the bookmarklet your process to change the CRM background color is:

  1. Open your theme record
  2. Make your customizations
  3. Save the theme
  4. Use the bookmarklet
  5. Publish your theme

I’m not sure if Microsoft will support it.
From a technical point of view is it only an update of a record through the webservice. Considered a manufacturers point of view, they don’t want that we can change it – otherwise we had probably an option for it in the UI.

Happy styling!

Limits for custom parameters

Posted in Dynamics 365, and Power Platform

Have you ever asked how many characters you can pass as parameter to a Javascript event handler or to a HTML webresource? I do, because I like to give a consultant or the customer the possibility to pass dynamic values in form of JSON objects or even whole functions without touching my code.

HTML webresource

The limit here is at 1.500 characters.

Javascript event handler

I think there no limit. Really. I made a test with up to 2.400.000 characters without any problems. The only thing that I would mention – do not exaggerate it as I did, because the performance suffers quite a lot.

ImportSequenceNumber field in Dynamics 365

Posted in Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and Revive

Today I stumbled over the meaning and purpose of the “ImportSequenceNumber” field in Dynamics 365 (or Dynamics CRM, If you have not got used to it like me).

The ImportSequenceNumber field itself

It’s an integer field that is reachable through the field list in a solution. It is searchable but you are not able to add it to a form.

ImportSequenceNumber purpose

Every import in Dynamics 365 is numbered with an ascending number which is globally stored in the “Organization.CurrentImportSequenceNumber” attribute. Every record created during an import gets this number as value for the ImportSequenceNumber field.
By this way Dynamics 365 can show you all records that are created during an specific import or let you delete all records created by an import.

Microsoft Dynamics Timeline

Posted in Dynamics 365, Microsoft Social Engagement, and Power Platform

At the eXtreme CRM 2015 in Madrid we played all together the “Dynamics CRM Trivia” at the evening event and I realized that I do have absolutely no idea about the time before I started in 2011 with Dynamics CRM. In addition to that the release cycles have become increasingly shorter and more products were added and I am also only hardly able to remember when was which released. To fill both gaps at once, I have created this Dynamics CRM timeline.

Microsoft Dynamics Timeline

Short introduction, to the left it goes into the past and the release dates are accurate to the month.

If you want to create a timeline by yourself, you can do it at knight lab.

Integrate Social Listening in Dynamics CRM Online

Posted in Dynamics 365, Microsoft Social Engagement, and Power Platform

About two years ago, Microsoft has acquired the Swiss startup “Netbreeze” and integrated under the name “Microsoft Social Listening” in the Dynamics world. With the Wave Spring 15 Update the tool was renamed again in “Microsoft Social Engagement“, you do not only hear your customers, now you interact with them.
Social engagement is a pure online service and is available as a Standalone Version or for Dynamics CRM Online customers free of charge with a minimum of 10 CRM Professional licenses.
I will now show you how to integrate Social Listening into Dynamics CRM Online. Notice that the connection with Dynamics CRM OnPremise works differently.

Dynamics CRM Configuration

Requirements for linking the two services are:

  • Both services are in the same Online Services Tenant.
  • The users have a licence for both products.
  • At least Dynamics CRM Online 2013 (V6.0), that should already apply to all CRM Online customers..
  • The users have the URLs from both services in the local Intranet Zone.

Built in a form

In the “Insert” tab of the form editor, you will find the item “insights from social media”. This you could also add multiple times to the fomular.

Configuration for a single record

Unfortunately, both services are not so closely linked together that automatically the correct data is pulled, therefore you have to say what you would like to see for which record. “Configuring insights from social media” click on it.

Built in a Dashboard

The configuration for Dashboards works similarly to the configuration in the form editor.

Good to know

Should you have multiple CRM instances in the same tenant have one, you can also connect them with your Social Listening instance.

Reset the integration

The settings you have made in your records and dashboards can you easily resetet globally. Simply going back “Microsoft Social Listening configuration”.